5 Must Read Books All Aircraft Maintenance Professionals Should Own

5 Must Read Books All Aircraft Maintenance Professionals Should Own

Are you an aircraft maintenance professional? Do you want to be great at what you do? You went to school but it doesn’t end there. Whether you’re in engineering, supply, material, maintenance, VP, or the hundreds of other important roles, reading and developing your skills is important. We’ve compiled a list of 5 must read books to help you become an aircraft maintenance rock star

How To Set Up Your Vendor Managed Inventory

How To Set Up Your Vendor Managed Inventory

Your aircraft expendable inventory is like a child’s bedroom. Messy and out of control. You have stock on what you don’t need and you’re AOG for items you should have planned for. It’s a mess. You’re frustrated that time and money is wasted. All you want is for the craziness to stop. You want to stock the things you need and plan for the rest. And this is where aircraft inventory management plays a big role. 

What you need, is vendor managed inventory. It’s an aircraft expendable dream. Have what you want and only consume what you need. Once you hit a minimum stock level, an automatic shipment of replacements is sent to you. Easy! But how do you decide if it’s right for you?

Is Vendor Managed Inventory Right For Your Aircraft Expendable Needs? 

Is Vendor Managed Inventory Right For Your Aircraft Expendable Needs? 

It’s common business knowledge that excess inventory is a liability, but it’s also common that you can’t sell what you don’t have. Traditional inventory management approaches force you to purchase excess inventory to pad yourself against stock-outs, causing you to carry excess. You literally have to decide what’s worse for your business: running out of inventory or carrying too much.

Ask An Expert: The Top Trait For Aircraft Engineers With Kamil Iwankiewicz

Ask An Expert: The Top Trait For Aircraft Engineers With Kamil Iwankiewicz

In this Ask an Expert interview, I speak to Kamil Iwankiewicz. As an aircraft engineer he got his engineering wings from playing with legos and his Grandfather. We also cover how effecient Ryanair is, the top trait for engineers and much more. 

How to Handle AOGs: An Airline's Perspective

How to Handle AOGs: An Airline's Perspective

You're no stranger to an AOG. You despise them. They make you sweat. They make you mad. They may even make you cry. No matter how much work engineers and technicians put on the aircraft, or how much time you spend planning, AOGs still occur. There’s no luck involved. They’ll happen and we’ll need to fix it. I recently saw an AOG for a slow moving, non-stocked expendable. Anything is possible. It’s madness I tell you!

How To Solve Your Money Problems With Aircraft Material Planning

How To Solve Your Money Problems With Aircraft Material Planning

Why plan? It’s unnecessary. It takes too much time and you have very little time and money. But, if you plan your aircraft material needs right, you'll get back both.

So what’s holding you back? Is it the hundreds of emails flooding your inbox? Is it the pressure? Is it the non-stop, drop everything AOGs sucking the life out of your day?

That's fair. But since 23% of your direct maintenance costs go to components, it's an important topic.

How To Create Smarter Aviation Safety Regulations

How To Create Smarter Aviation Safety Regulations

The terms "regulation" and "aviation" are polarizing topics. Some want tons of regulation, some want none. Some would rather criticize in public and praise in private. So what's the balance? Where do we go from here?

3 Ways to Put the “Fun" Back in Your Procurement Game

3 Ways to Put the “Fun" Back in Your Procurement Game

It’s no secret. Working with some people is painful. I mean REALLY painful. They make your job so much harder. If that’s the case, how do we make procurement fun? It’s true--purchasing aircraft material doesn’t live in a rosy, everything goes perfect world...

Believe It or Not, Fixed Rate Freight is Real

Believe It or Not, Fixed Rate Freight is Real

We’ve identified a huge pain. Freight and logistics. It’s not just about shipping you something. It’s about having an efficient solution from pick-up to delivery. It’s about the experience you have in between. It’s about having more by doing less. Sounds crazy I know. Based on all the responses I got. You’re tired of inconsistent, lack of transparency freight services.

7 Tips for Choosing the Right Aircraft Component Pooling Partner

7 Tips for Choosing the Right Aircraft Component Pooling Partner

The aviation industry is a competitive market. Under massive pressures (economic & regulatory), airlines are increasingly looking at ways to reduce cost, improve efficiency and increase competitiveness. Aircraft component pooling is one way to just this.