The terms "regulation" and "aviation" are polarizing topics. Some want tons of regulation, some want none. Some would rather criticize in public and praise in private. So what's the balance? Where do we go from here?
Your surplus aircraft material was sitting. Rotting. Wasting away on your shelves.
Slowly eating away at your operational results. Chomp. Chomp. Chomp.
Cash was being sucked down the surplus drain. And the only thing you could do was…
Price. How important is it to you? How often do you try and get the lowest price? I’m sure you’re thinking to yourself, “It’s incredibly important.” and “Every chance I get.” And that’s fair. It’s also common to ask how much something costs. Or to reduce the cost of something. We often use price and cost interchangeably. That’s a mistake.
The terms "regulation" and "aviation" are polarizing topics. Some want tons of regulation, some want none. Some would rather criticize in public and praise in private. So what's the balance? Where do we go from here?