How Ad-hoc Expendables Are Killing Your Biz...& You!

How Ad-hoc Expendables Are Killing Your Biz...& You!

It happened again.

Maintenance requested more expendables for a routine task card and yet again, you haven't dealt with the material since 1999.

Now, you have to go source and purchase this material. And more than likely, maintenance needed it yesterday.

29 Ways To Prepare For An Aircraft on Ground

29 Ways To Prepare For An Aircraft on Ground

When you hear the 3 letters, A-O-G, it makes you cringe

Your heart rate starts to race, your palms begin to sweat and you frantically think I-have-to-fix-this-now

AOG are stressful. But if you're prepared before the AOG, it’ll make your aviation life much easier.

5 Reasons Why Your High Consumption Expendables Need A Vendor Managed Inventory

5 Reasons Why Your High Consumption Expendables Need A Vendor Managed Inventory

Are you consuming the same 100+ expendables and consumables over and over again? 

If so, you'd be crazy to ignore the powerful impacts of a vendor managed inventory. The title might deceive you. You think vendor + inventory...no thanks. That's just giving them a sale. 


If done right, with a win/win mindset, you could cut 30 - 90% of your total material costs (not the same as material price, read more here) instantly. 

How To Stop Losing Money With Inefficient Expendable Purchases

How To Stop Losing Money With Inefficient Expendable Purchases

Expendables and consumables. The inglorious material that gives you a headache. 

You know the feeling. You get a 100 part requirement. Or 200. Or 1,000. And your head wants to explode. 

Stop Wasting 20 Hours A Week With One Easy Purchasing Strategy

Stop Wasting 20 Hours A Week With One Easy Purchasing Strategy

In our previous post, we talked about how to cut a huge amount of money from your operating expenses. 

Now, let’s talk about how to cut 20 hours a week from your purchasing activities

First, think about what those 20 hours mean to you. Is it more time with family? A hobby? The ability to work on higher level projects? 

Save $100,000 A Year With This Simple Purchasing Solution

Save $100,000 A Year With This Simple Purchasing Solution

Are you purchasing aircraft material daily? 

Like most airlines and MROs, it is important to complete projects, keep aircraft in the air and make money.

But what if, everything you thought about purchasing was costing you more money? The money you didn’t know was seeping through the cracks as hidden operational expenses. Money not on the POs you send, but hidden in everything that surrounds the PO. 

Is Vendor Managed Inventory Right For Your Aircraft Expendable Needs? 

Is Vendor Managed Inventory Right For Your Aircraft Expendable Needs? 

It’s common business knowledge that excess inventory is a liability, but it’s also common that you can’t sell what you don’t have. Traditional inventory management approaches force you to purchase excess inventory to pad yourself against stock-outs, causing you to carry excess. You literally have to decide what’s worse for your business: running out of inventory or carrying too much.