outsourced flight data

Repairs: 5 Reasons You're Wasting Money And May Not Know It

Repairs: 5 Reasons You're Wasting Money And May Not Know It

Aircraft maintenance is stressful. But who am I kidding, you know this, right?

It's where you spend a large chunk of your operating budget, and where 95% of your stress occurs.

Or maybe not...

4 High-Value Benefits You’ll Adopt Today With A Flight Data Readout Solution

Let’s get it out in the open. Managing your flight data is burdensome. From you having to meet government regulations and managing the FDR to performing once a year flight data readouts and translating the data, things get costly. Even worse, it’s time consuming.

How much time do you really have?

You can drain excessive amounts of money into expensive programs and software but that’ll just make it more complicated and tedious for you. Now that’s no fun.

We’ve talked many times about outsourcing certain tasks and this is one of them.


Take advantage of a flight data readout strategy and win

When you outsource your readout strategy to a competent supply chain partner, here are the benefits you can expect to receive:

Reduce Costs

New and expensive software and hardware are required to accomplish readouts. The equipment has a steep learning curve that sucks more of your valuable time and energy from your hectic day. With outsourcing, you’re able to save the two most important aspects of your operation. Time and money.

Reduce Risk

If you don’t have time to learn and train on the new software, who is going to do the work for you? Labor and training costs are expensive. I’m sure they already take up a large portion of your operating budget.  Worst of all it’s risky. What if things change, someone leaves, new software comes out, are you prepared to retrain? You can eliminate this risk entirely.

Increase Productivity

With an outsourced and streamlined readout solution, it becomes one less thing to worry about in your busy day. This frees you and your personnel to focus on other main aspects of your busy workload. Since this is a task that’s infrequent, you don't have to tie up labor and bottleneck other operational activities. Keep your people for the critical activities.

Increase Efficiency

There is no excuse in failing your requirements for your annual and bi annual FDR readout if outsourced. Not only will you make yourself more efficient, you’ll also make your maintenance engineers more efficient by allowing them to focus on maintenance rather than analyzing flight data.

Forget managing your own flight data and forget having to spend bookoo bucks for OEM fees. Start looking into the idea of outsourcing this task to a trusted supply chain partner.

If you’re really interested, take a look at our flight data readout service here and see the many other benefits you can experience.