
In The News: Boeing Patents Drones That Can Fly Nonstop, Making It's Bathrooms Smaller, and Plans To Use Star Wars Sounds For It's Lasers.

In The News: Boeing Patents Drones That Can Fly Nonstop, Making It's Bathrooms Smaller, and Plans To Use Star Wars Sounds For It's Lasers.

Boeing Patents A Drone That Flies Nonstop

Boeing has just patented drone that can tether itself to fly forever. Check out the article here.

-Original article by Benjamin Zhang

Boeing Engineers Want To Use Star Wars Sounds For Lasers

Boeing's High Energy Laser Demonstrator (HEL MD) is about to get a serious upgrade. Use the force here.

Original article by Rebecca O Connell

Boeing Is Shrinking Their Bathroom Sizes.

Is Boeing trying to keep you out of their bathrooms ? Find out here.

-Original article by Benjamin Zhang