7 Essential Questions to Ask Your Aircraft Part Supplier: Don't Leave Your Supply Chain to Chance!

7 Essential Questions to Ask Your Aircraft Part Supplier: Don't Leave Your Supply Chain to Chance!

Let's face it: your part supplier can make or break your operation.

One faulty component, and suddenly, you're grounded faster than a paper airplane in a hurricane.

But here's the troubling part—many supply chain teams are flying blind when vetting their suppliers.

Are you one of them?

Don't worry, we're not here to judge.

I'll let you in on a little secret:

Even we've been burned by a supplier who talked a big game but delivered parts that were about as reliable as a chocolate teapot. But hey, we live and learn, right?

So, buckle up because we're about to share the seven questions that could save time and money when choosing an aircraft part supplier.

These aren't just old questions—they're your pre-flight checklist for supplier relations.

When we're done, you'll vet suppliers like a pro, and your stress levels will thank you.

Ready for takeoff? Let's dive in!

1/ What Certifications Do You Hold?

First things first: certifications.

They're not just fancy pieces of paper to hang on the wall. These babies are your first line of defense against subpar parts.

Ask your potential supplier about their AS9100 certification or equivalent for aerospace quality management systems.

Don't be shy—request to see their certificates. If they start shuffling their feet and mumbling excuses, that's a red flag big enough to guide a 747.

Make sure suppliers are always following proper quality assurance protocols.

2/ Can You Provide References from Similar Clients?

Now, I know what you're thinking...

"References? Isn't that just for job interviews?"


It's time to channel your inner detective. Ask for references from clients similar to your operation.

A supplier worth their salt will be more than happy to provide these. If they're hesitant, it might be time to wonder what they're hiding.

Remember, a supplier's track record in this industry isn't just nice to have—it's essential.

3/ What is Your Average Lead Time for Deliveries?

Ah, lead times—the bane of every maintenance team's existence.

But here's the thing: knowing your supplier's average lead time is like having a crystal ball for inventory management.

Don't just ask for their "standard" lead time.

Dig deeper.

Ask about their performance during peak seasons or how they handle AOGs. After all, in our world, AOG (Aircraft on Ground) isn't just an acronym—it's a nightmare scenario we all want to avoid.

The best material partners have Key Performance Indicators that align with their lead time goals.

If it's an essential metric for you, it should be an important metric for them.

4/ How Do You Handle Quality Control?

Quality control isn't just a buzzy phrase to throw around in meetings.

Ask your potential supplier about their quality control processes.

Do they have a dedicated QC team? What's their inspection process like?

And here's a curveball: ask them about their rejection rate. A supplier with a 0% rejection rate isn't necessarily perfect—they may need to be looking harder.

5/ What Are Your Payment Terms?

Now we're talking business.

Payment terms can make a big difference to your cash flow. Don't be afraid to negotiate —you might be surprised at what you can achieve.

But remember, the cheapest option is rarely always the best. If a supplier's prices seem too good to be true, they probably are. In this industry, cutting corners can cost you big.

So, balance is critical.

6/ What Kind of After-Sales Support Do You Offer?

After-sales support is like a parachute—you hope you never need it, but you'll be mighty glad it's there if you do.

Ask about their warranty policies, return procedures, and how they handle disputes.

Also, ask about their process for resolving problems.

A good supplier will have clear, fair policies.

If they start sweating when you ask about their dispute resolution process, you should keep looking for a better material partner.

7/ Can You Support Customized Orders?

Last but not least, flexibility.

In the ever-evolving world of aircraft maintenance, one size definitely does not fit all.

Can your potential supplier handle custom orders? How do they approach unique requests?

Their answer to this question can tell you a lot about their capabilities and their willingness to go the extra mile for their clients.

There you have it, folks—seven questions that could save you a world of trouble.

Remember, thoroughly vetting your part supplier isn't just about ticking boxes.

It's about building a relationship that can weather our industry's turbulence.

But knowing these questions is just the first step.

The real magic happens when you consistently ask them to every potential supplier. It's like giving your supply chain a full maintenance check—sure, it takes a bit more time upfront, but it can prevent significant headaches (and potential disasters) down the line.

Think about it, you gather more than just information whenever you ask these questions. You're saying you're serious about quality, reliability, and performance. You're telling suppliers that you're not just looking for parts—you're looking for a partner who understands the critical nature of your business.


Take these questions and use them.

Make them a part of your standard operating procedure. Heck, print them out and tape them to your desk if necessary. Because, at the end of the day, the quality of your maintenance material operation is only as good as the quality of your parts.

Ready to put these questions to the test?

We don't just welcome these questions at Skylink—we thrive on them. We're so confident in our answers that we're practically itching for you to ask.

Let's give us a call and see how we measure up.

We're not just here to sell you parts—we're here to be your partner in keeping aircraft safe, reliable, and in the air where they belong. After all, you can't afford to leave anything to chance regarding aircraft parts.

So why not work with a supplier as committed to excellence as you are?

Because with Skylink, you're not just getting parts—you're getting peace of mind. And in our business, that's worth its weight in gold.